At to ensure that all customers who are purchasing from our website have the utmost confidence we have implemented the strictest security measures to the highest industry standards. All payments are handled by either PayPal, Shop Pay, Amazon Pay or Google Pay. We have deliberately used only the largest payment providers who offer the most trusted security for our customers Every transaction is completely encrypted so no one could ever see any of your sensitive information. The only information that pulls through to ourselves is the billing, delivery details and any comments you might have added.
When taking orders over the phone we enter this information in exactly the same way as you would if you went through to PayPal or Shop Pay yourself. All information is entered directly on the PayPal secure site and is fully encrypted.
We do also take payment via bacs and cheque should this be a more preferable method of paying. Simply select this method on the checkout page after you have inputted your address details. No payment will be taken and we will call you to ask how you would like to pay.
As with everything if you do have any problems, questions or just a little advice please contact us