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How to Reduce Waste Over Easter

As well as the chocolate eggs being full of packaging, there are also other aspects of waste to consider, including food waste from having the family over for dinner.

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The Reducing Waste Series: Health Care

The NHS is under more pressure than ever before. It’s under financial pressure, the workforce is stretched to its limits, and it also needs to reduce its carbon emissions - all reasons why it has to reduce waste and use its precious resources more efficiently. 

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Parking Is Wheelie Out of Hand on a Birmingham Street

Residents on a Birmingham street are so pushed for parking spaces that they are using wheelie bins as cones to make sure they can park close to their homes.

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Wheelie Bin News Roundup 22nd March

The latest Wheelie Bin Roundup features an amusing story from Cheltenham Races, a new wheelie bin pilot scheme by Redbridge Council and an inspiring story from Derbyshire where local business and community groups have helped raise £100,000 for a children and young people hospice with the help of three wheelie bins!

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Bexley Plans to Ditch Recycling Boxes for Wheelie Bins

Bexley is the best performing borough for recycling in London and it is planning to cut £450,000 per year by moving to wheelie bins instead of recycling boxes and reducing the frequency of collections.  A new proposal involves switching to three recycling boxes instead of two wheelie bins.

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How Gardeners Can Help Fight Plastic Pollution

We discard millions of plastic bottles on a daily basis, but could you not upcycle these in your garden?  For example, why not cut out a rectangular opening on the top of the bottle and will it with compost and plants to make a bee-friendly planter.  

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Wheelie Bin News Roundup 4th March

This weeks Wheelie Bin News Roundup features stories including teenagers have derailed a train when they placed a wheelie bin in the middle of the tracks, communal bins have been introduced into blocks of flats to try and reduce the number of wheelie bins on the pavement, and finally a pretty village in the New Forest has been strewn with rubbish as ponies and donkeys are getting into the rubbish bags 

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Angus Woman Covers Her Wheelie Bin in Speed Signs to Urge Drivers to Slow Down

A woman in Angus took matters into her own hands after getting fed up of drivers speeding through her village. As well as putting a 30mph sign and a ‘please slow down in our village’ sign on her wheelie bins, she has erected a metal 30mph sign in her garden. She told the council that she was thinking about buying a cardboard cut-out traffic policeman and putting it outside of her front door and made sure they knew in no uncertain terms, that she has had enough. Drivers repeatedly ignore the 30mph speed limit signs in the village, which has led to a number of near-misses.

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Wheelie Bin News Roundup 21st January

This weeks, Wheelie Bin News Roundup features stories including a fundraiser in Sunderland which is up for Fundraiser of the Year, vandals in Renfrewshire are engaging in a risky new practice, the inhalation of toxic fumes from burning wheelie bins, and finally a team of workers who brought into check through people's bins are being cut.  

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Residents Leave Bins Out Because 'They Don't Like Pulling Them Long Distances'

When you put your bin out, as soon as they are emptied do you bring them back in?  If so do you get frustrated by your neighbours for leaving theirs out?  A coucillor has claimed that residents on council estates leave their bins out because they do not like pulling them along.

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